파이썬[Python]: sys - hash_info 상수
sys 모듈 - hash_info 상수(constatn)
/// 설명
numeric 해시를 구현하기 위한 속성들을 반환합니다. named 튜플
※ 형식
※ 형식
/// 예제
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | import sys # built-in: hash() print(sys.hash_info) # sys.hash_info(width=64, modulus=2305843009213693951, inf=314159, nan=0, # imag=1000003, algorithm='siphash24', hash_bits=64, seed_bits=128, cutoff=0) # width = bits used for hash values (64 bits with 128 seed_bits) # modulus = a mod P, P is a prime # inf = hash value returned for a positive infinity # non = ? # imag = multiplier used for the imaginary part of a complex number # algorithm = name of the algorithm # hash_bits = output # seed_bits = secret key(random value) # cutoff = ? | cs |
* 실행환경: Microsoft Windows 10 Homes
* 인터프리터: 파이썬(Python 3.9)
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